Jack Glantz Memorial Student Conducting Program
Introducing a unique program for students with an interest in conducting. The Jack Glantz Memorial Student Conducting Program is the only one of its kind in the Willamette Valley. It usually is not until late in one’s college career that they will have the opportunity to start learning conducting skills. Our goal is to give students in our area a head start, learning these skills at a younger age, straight from our artistic director, Christopher Noel. This program will teach students conducting techniques with potential for podium time at a professional Salem Orchestra rehearsal. Not only are these skills valuable to learn, they also create an advantage on their college applications. We would love nothing more than to empower these students with the skills and knowledge that will help pave the way to their artistic and professional success.
This year successful applicants will receive:
Pre-Concert lessons with artistic director, Christopher Noel
Full access to all Salem Orchestra rehearsals for the upcoming concert
Potential for podium time at a Salem Orchestra rehearsal for the upcoming concert
2 Back stage passes for the upcoming concert
Post concert lesson with artistic director, Christopher Noel
Sponsored by Rick & Rhea Glantz