andrea bean
Andrea Bean is a Salem born and raised musician, music director and artist. She began learning violin at age 3 and has enjoyed playing many different genres of music throughout her years, picking up as many instruments as she can get her hands on. Andrea has been a proud member of many musical groups in town including the Salem Pops Orchestra, Salem Philharmonia, Salem Orchestra, Western Oregon Symphony, Salem Ukulele Band and playing for multiple musicals with Enlightened Theatrics, Pentacle Theater and the Elsinore.
Thankful for her great organizational skills, Andrea has held a position on three orchestra boards, serving as secretary for two of them, and office manager for the other. She is delighted to be a part of this group as it takes form and grows.
In her home life, Andrea has a wonderful husband in Mark, who helps record the orchestra with an extension of their private home recording studio, and works for the State of Oregon. They love to camp, watch all genres of movies, with high emphasis on suspense and horror films, play endless board and card games, and travel the world collecting instruments to master in retirement.